Monday, September 18, 2023

Gift Discovery! Better than a Free New Car!

 What if someone "gifted" you...

a brand new car,

And put it in a garage that you didn't even know you had! All paid for! Licensed and filled with gas! Clean, shiny and new!

 But instead of driving it... each day, you routinely waited an hour... to ride on a crowded city bus.

Frankly, you didn't even know that the gift existed and passively failed to find out how to access it!

I am about to share a similar gift; a better one that may be unknown to you, or seemingly hidden, but available to any who ask. A valuable gift! More costly than a gifted new car could be, or even a paid off home or business mortgage! 

Does that sound like good news?

The word, "gospel," means, "good news." The Gospel is God's plan, or directions for getting to heaven! And it highlights the fact that God's heaven is presented as a very precious and costly, but absolutely free gift.

To understand this good news we must know more about God and what He says about each of us and His precious gift of eternal life.

Have you ever thought about heaven? Consider...

-If God were to ask you today, “Why should I let you into My Heaven?” What would you say?

Most people don't realize that all of the provisions pertaining to Heaven, have already been paid for! Paid for and delivered! 

 Just like the car in the garage.

And, according to the Bible, God is seeking relationship with each of us as our rescuer, our leader, our protector and provider. 

In John 10:10...14 Jesus said... I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. “I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep..,.. I know My own and My own know Me.

He offers relationship, direction and eventually, heaven. But only as a gift and never as a wage to be earned.

(Romans 6:23). states, “ . . . the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

No amount of sacrifice, convincing pleading, emotional effort, good works, achievement or religious activity can ever earn God's forgiveness or create a place for any of us in Heaven.

The Bible states, in (Ephesians 2:8,9),  For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselvesit is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast

But maybe this is already familiar to you;

 -So tell me? Have you come to the place in your life where you know for sure that you will someday be with God in Heaven?

Most people are unsure and wonder in hopefulness. But the Bible states we can know for sure.

In.” (1 John 5:13) it says...“These things I have written unto you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life."

If you are unsure, this can be very good news!

But first it requires dealing with...
                                      The problem of separation

(Isaiah 59:1-3) States,.. "Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save; Nor is His ear so dull that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you...."

Because of this separation, In our current condition, we are literally drowning in our sin!

(See more on this topic at the link below) 

This is why none of us can be good enough to earn our way into Heaven. Because every person is a sinner.

Every person but Jesus!

The Bible says,

In (Romans 3:23)  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” And (Romans 6:23) "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."


"Sin," is how each person fails to live up to God’s purpose and plan for their life. It can be seen when we break or ignore His laws, both written in the Bible and those written on our conscience.

It includes things like lying, cheating, evil and immoral thoughts and actions as well as passively ignoring and avoiding doing the things we know we should.

Because of our inherent SIN, none of us can save ourselves. We have all earned the separation and punishment of eternal death.


According to the Bible, We would have to be perfect to save ourselves. (Matthew 5:48) states.

Be therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect


And no one is but Jesus!


But God in His mercy seeks relationship with us, not punishment.

Ezekiel 33:11 states,"  Say to them, ‘As I live!’ declares the Lord God, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. 


The Bible goes so far as to even say “ . . . God is love” (1 John 4:8).  And that, “ . . . I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jeremiah 31:3).


But He is also just and fair therefore sin must have it's consequence.


He says,(Exodus 34:7). “. . . (He) will by no means clear the guilty . . .” And, “(Ezekiel 18:4). . . the soul that sinneth, it shall die.


So you see, without God's Gospel, we were separated and lost, without any hope.



But God overcame the penalty of our sinful human nature as He lived among us and took on human form. As a sinless Son of God, Jesus kept God's law perfectly and overcame temptation even to the point of obediently sacrificing Himself.

He took and paid the penalty that we deserved.

The Bible says.

In the beginning (at creation) was the Word (Jesus). . . and the Word (Jesus) was God. And the Word (Jesus) was made flesh, and dwelt among us . . .” (John 1:1,14).


He came to earth and lived a sinless life and died on the cross as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins. Then He rose from the grave to restore us to our place with Him in Heaven.

(Isaiah 53:6).  states “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him (Jesus) the iniquity (sin) of us all


He carried our sin in His body on the cross and now offers us a new and different life. One released from the bondage of sin. One empowered by His presence of His Spirit to overcome past failures. One relationally motivated to honor and follow His lead in humble obedience.




Unbelievably costly to Him and amazingly available to us!


We as believers, receive and live it out through a type of faith called saving faith! Saving faith is more than confidence in the fact that God exists....

The Bible says in,  (James 2:19), . . "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

Even the devil believes that God exists. But the devil doesn't have saving faith.


Saving faith is more than just hoping that God's power will be on your side, and help you with temporary things.

(Although we are encouraged in the Bible to bring all of our concerns and requests to Him in prayer.)


Saving faith is agreeing with God about our sins, even as He reveals them. It is recognizing our need for forgiveness and trusting in Jesus' sacrifice alone for our forgiveness, restoration, power and eternal life.

(Acts 16:31). “. . . Believe (trust) on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved . . .


So, Would you like to exercise saving faith and transfer your trust from your own actions to what Christ has done for you on the cross.


Would you like to accept Christ as Savior and Lord.

In the Bible, Jesus says,  “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:  if any man hears My voice, and opens the door, I will come in to Him . . . .” (Revelation 3:20)


Lordship means, we seek obedience and become willing to turn away from things not pleasing to Him, and turn toward what accomplishes His will and purposes.


If this is what you want to do, you can go to God in prayer right now.  Right where you are, and you can receive His gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Romans 10:10,13).


You can pray with faith like this...

“Lord Jesus, thank You so much for offering Yourself to me, and thank You for your gift of eternal life!

I understand that I’m a sinner and I do not deserve a relationship with you because of sin's separation.  

I am so grateful that You love me so much!

I am grateful that you endured terrible things and even died on the cross and rose from the grave to restore our relationship and purchase a place for me in Heaven.

I now place my trust in You!

I reject and desire to turn away from my sins.

I am yielding control of my life to You.

Become the Lord of my life.

Strengthen me to follow and grow to become who You made me to be.

Lead and direct me Lord!

And thank You Jesus for hearing my prayer."

Now consider these words from Jesus. “Truly, truly, I say unto you, he that believes on Me has everlasting life” (John 6:47).


Welcome to God's Family!

Now that you have placed your trust in the Lordship of Jesus Christ! You are now a child of God! Forever!

But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name(John 1:12).


Many like to remember this event as their spiritual birthday because it is described as being, "born again, "of God.

The Bible speaks of those who receive eternal life in these words:

(John 1:13). Those. . “Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Just as you prayed to have a relationship with Jesus, we need to continue to pray. Most of us pray, when we are in need and some express defiant prayers as they curse and swear. Praying is natural in all societies throughout history. 

But praying as a precious son or daughter that knows that they are deeply loved is not! We need to see his provision and ponder His leading and pour our hearts out to Him often.

We also need to read and meditate on His words recorded in the Bible every day. The Bible is his love letter too us and our instruction book for life. 


And like all new-borns, family connections are very important for health and growth. You probably know someone who is a believer or perhaps there is a church you can fellowship at in your community. It is imperative that you connect, grow and serve.


But what about the Free New Car?


To my knowledge, Jesus didn't say anything about cars or trucks that was written down, but He did talk about some very important keys...



"And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."


And these are the kind of keys I just shared with you in this writing. So prayerfully share with others that as many as possible will be set free and discover Gods Amazing Love and enjoy His Amazing Free Gifts.

If you are interested in sharing your faith, you might like the following video. I recently watched it and found the phrase, "Each one to reach one," challenging.  It started slow, but builds to be quite encouraging.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It's called, "Reaching from Heaven."  

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Serpent Wisdom

In Serpent Wisdom, Destiny Achieved!

Destruction... Both snakes died! One from asphyxiation and the other from venom.
But there is hope. Read on below.

As people, we should reject, "serpent wisdom." 

We should reject his call to, "be as gods." 

We were created for much more. To seek Our Heavenly Father's wisdom and bear His image.

Paul the Apostle stated... if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!—-Galatians 5:15 NKJV

Destruction is not God's purpose. That's the serpents plan.

Instead of becoming self-actualized "Gods." Our Heavenly Father calls us to a new life as sons and daughters. New lives that can never be destroyed. New lives with new purposes and new goals.

But In this plan... He is God and we are not.

Who's plan are you going to follow? 
And what does it mean to be saved from our sins?

Click the link below for answers to these questions.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Sometimes the Worst is the Best!

 "Why the best day of my life." 

was the day my wife called 911!"

Grateful for Getting Freedom 

and having fun sharing about it!

As I said, "The best day of my life," was the day my wife finally called 911! Let me tell you why! 

That was the day I was awakened to see MY PROBLEM.

Before that, my total focus was on others! I could only really see the shortcomings of the people around me. I thought they needed to change. I was asleep in the light and didn't want to see, "MY PROBLEM!"

(slowly click arrow x 2 to see video)

Today, I am So Grateful for our Savior Jesus! He saw my problem and gave himself for me. He opened my eyes so I could see my hidden forms of destructive anger!

But this didn't begin to happen until after I received a little motivational help from the local police👮‍♂️👮😔👨‍⚖️and a judge.

Sadly, without this motivational opportunity I don't think my practice of citizenship or religiousness alone, would have ever motivated me to make the kind of changes that would change my life. 

P.S. Experiencing this, "motivational ðŸ‘®‍♂️👮😔👨‍⚖️opportunity," is behind my reasoning for opposing the decriminalizing of drugs; both gateway and the, "harder," varieties, as well as the decriminalizing of so many other crimes that ensnare perpetrators and bring harm victims.

For more on this topics of, "Misguided Inclusiveness," and the true, costs of. "Embracing Lawlessness." Click the blog link below. 

When I finally stopped and allowed Jesus to change me. When I sought and accepted correction through His word and through those who followed it in my Celebrate Recovery support group, He empowered me to walk in a new way! A much better way for me and everyone around me! On the day to day level, this was more lifechanging than any of the classes I have ever taken, and even more successful than my back and hip replacement surgeries!

In time I was able to lead others and was asked to lead an anger management group at our church. There I shared what Jesus had done in my life and got opportunities to encourage and challenge others. Over time, I also compiled a manual for forming anger management accountability groups, and for convenience, I put the manual on line to
be viewed on our cell phones. 

See the manual it at (link) not picture below...
I also have a you-tube channel, and created a (You-Tube Playlist) that auto-plays a series of inspirational talks about understanding and overcoming life challenges and making healthy connections with others. And mixed in, the most important connection, our connection with our one and only, "Higher Power." 

See the playlist at (link) not picture. 

And so in closing, May Your Life be Changed as you find the strength and comfort that comes with learning to accept reality. 

May you experience genuine fellowship with God and his encouraging followers. 

May you experience ever increasing freedom from all addictive behaviors. 

And may He extinguish the destructive fires of past and present toxic emotions and replace them with His Peace. 

In the Bible, John 14:27 states, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful."

In other word... May you experience 
true Sobriety

Friday, March 31, 2023

Pondering Earth and Enceladus, Life and the Waters Above and Below

The Bluest Blue in Our Universe
(photos from video below)

Saturn's moon Enceladus
with Waters Above and Waters Below

NASA Cassini's Final Images of Saturn Stunned Me

(see min 0:40-0:46 and 2:25-3:22, 010:23 min)

In the unique satellite video above are portions that describe the Beautiful  Blue E ring of Saturn that stands out from the other rings. Some have even described this ring as having, 

"The Bluest Blue in the Universe."

This ring was created by the massive volume of steam and water being released from a very unique moon, Enceladus. A volcanic moon with waters above in the form of an ice shell, likely at or above our cumulus cloud level, high over the surface of the waters below.

This ice shell effectively traps most of the heat and moisture from the volcanic activities below the sea bed. Except for the many vents spouting hundreds of miles into space to create the deep blue trail that constantly replenishes the Blue of the E ring at Enceladus' orbit.

This moon has water covering it's inner surface similar to the description of earth as described in Genesis 1:2 

 ... and the earth was a formless and desolate emptiness, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.... 

Perhaps the original ice that formed on Enceladus floated directly on her ocean surfaces like the ice sheets here on earth at our poles. But with the creation of a continuous shell that covered the whole sea surface, over time a spherical ice dome formed. This dome has a significant  compression strength, much like the strength of a bird's egg or on the half scale, an igloo.

When we consider a spherical ice dome formed with it's compression strength, we realize that this rigid dome of frozen water could also, appear to float, as it remained in gravitational balance even as the buoyancy support from the water below is removed. Removed by the recession of the sea as the water supply below is being vaporized and expelled hundreds of miles into space to create the Beautiful Blue E Ring. 

Describing earth,  Genesis 1:7  states,  "God made the expanse, and separated the waters that were below the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse... 

If something like this occurred here on earth, the design would have created a global greenhouse effect across our entire planet. A greenhouse of lush plant and animal life that was not dependent on local climate conditions. Leaving a more uniform global biomass like the one we are discovering today, capable of producing vast amounts of methane, like the methane being released from our thawing tundra and glacial ice caps.

Again in, Genesis 2:5...  Now no shrub of the field was yet on the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth,... but a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface... 

Consider the effects of our earth's early biomass that we are just now discovering. A hidden biomass of unknown quantity that is beginning to decay with the changes we are currently seeing.

review of what was found on Saturn's Moon Enceladus from NASA. 

Perhaps someday, if we send another expedition to this moon we could also search for missing evolutionary links. Like the ones that our scientist's so desperately seek here. Illusive lifeforms, that should greatly outnumber the, "clearly defined kinds," we see based on the logic of evolutionary progress. Intermediates that have eluded discovery for about a century now. 

But the more likely outcome will be, either another lifeless environment, or a vast array of unique and amazing, fully formed, functioning creations. Creations that present amazing built in abilities for adaptation and change. Creatures easily grouped into categories that do not loose their original distinctions over time. Creatures organized much like the creatures we find around us on this planet. 

Consider the amazing ability of the creatures below to both adapt and maintain their recognizable identities.

But until these suppositions are finally proven, we are stuck. 

We can either say we don't know, and admit to our lack of pertinent critical knowledge and the limitations of testable methods needed to form a comprehensive understanding, or we can make professions of faith.

We can profess to a faith in the presuppositions of evolutionary theory ignoring these contradictions and the gaps in evidence. Or we can profess to a faith in a more intentional order like the order we see in the creation account.  

And just one more thought about Enceladus...

If our universe is currently billions of years old. Why and how can massive amounts of water still be expelled from hundreds of vents  each with plumes extending hundreds of miles into space? 

Enough liquid to maintain the Beautiful Blue E Ring of Saturn?

And how long can it possibly continue? 

I suppose only God knows.

Waters above and waters below and a dew that covered the whole earth, in the two most likely places for life to occur according to religion and science.

Just some ponderings, hope you enjoyed.🙂

And an update in closing, here are some more interesting discoveries about our Earth's Core, as ocean floor materials are found near it's center, and another video on what the Cassini Probe found and what is planned for expeditions in the near future.

Earth's Core Appears to Be Wrapped in an Unexpected, Ancient Structure


A representation of the underground imaging used in the study.
See Article at:

From the Aticle...

"Analyzing [thousands] of seismic recordings from Antarctica, our high-definition imaging method found thin anomalous zones of material at the CMB everywhere we probed," says geophysicist Edward Garnero from Arizona State University.

"The material's thickness varies from a few kilometers to [tens] of kilometers. This suggests we are seeing mountains on the core, in some places up to five times taller than Mt. Everest."

According to the researchers, these ULVZs are most likely oceanic crust buried over millions of years.

While the sunken crust isn't close to recognized subduction zones on the surface – zones where shifting tectonic plates push the rock down into Earth's interior – simulations reported in the study show how convection currents could have shifted the ancient ocean floor to its current resting place.

It's tricky to make assumptions about rock types and movement based on seismic wave movement, and the researchers aren't ruling out other options. However, the ocean floor hypothesis seems the most likely explanation for these ULVZs right now.

So in pondering...

Could the collapse of an orbiting extra-global ice shell cause portions, each unbelievably huge, possibly even larger than the Pangea Supercontinent to crash into the earth? 

Could their crash into the ocean sea floor have enough force to push the skin of the earths crust down into the mantle and even pull the continents toward their current positions? 

(Click arrow 2 X to play video)

Stretching/Pulling After Orbital
Ice Sheet Impacts into Ocean Floors

Amazing thought! Most attribute it to a collision that resulted in the creation of the moon.

But would an ice shell crashing event also cause unbelievable extremes in flooding and severe climate change like those described in Biblical accounts? And cooling as the ice melted and swelled the existing seas.

Wouldn't a global change in the earth's climate status from a uniform canopy climate to an open sky weather climate flash freeze and burry the vegetation and animal life in these newly exposed polar areas due to  our earth's regional weather extremes, creating the ice caps and the extensive areas of frozen tundra over the once thriving vegetation?

And finally; if this unimaginable flooding event occurred, how could the massive volumes of water recede from the earth's flooded surface?  Could it be absorbed into the earth and if so; Where did it go? Consider the model and videos below.

And the reabsorption of the waters?
Where could it have gone?

Scientists Just Discovered
A Vast Hidden Ocean Inside Earth
The Secrets of the Universe 833K subscribers

From across the globe there is a vast array of stories that describe a catastrophic flood event. Labeled myths, most describe local affects on specific leaders and losses experienced by specific people groups, or even accounts of specific god personalities and conflicts in their cultures. The following link provides many examples.

In contrast, the Biblical faiths, present a global catastrophic event affecting all living thing on the planet. This is reflected in the brief video below.

The Worldwide Flood with Tim Chaffey
Answers in Genesis 565K subscribers

I hope that you have enjoyed pondering these questions with me.

Although I am not an expert on most of these topics, I take great joy in discovery, and am encourage with questioning, wonder and exploring possibilities. Although very conservative in my life and choices. I am rarely content with blindly accepting narratives or hard information without asking questions. And I encourage you to find delight in doing the same.

Why Enceladus is the place for Marine Aliens